Resize Images Online

This service was created to help users asking questions like How do I resize images online? How do I make images smaller? So, we created this easy-to-use tool and now anyone can Resize Images and Digital Pictures.

To resize your images:

  1. Browse your computer and select your image or photo to resize
  2. Choose the new size for your picture - you can set the exact width or height.
  3. Click 'Resize' button and wait for the processed images to be downloaded

Resize Images Online

Upload your JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG or BMP image:

Choose a height or width you want your image to be:

Batch Picture Resizer

Batch Picture ResizerBatch Image Resizer is easy and user-friendly tool helps you to resize multiple photos, convert, flip, mirror or rotate them in a batch mode.

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  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
Author: SoftOrbits (English)
Avg. rating: 4.5 from 713 votes