1. 1️⃣ Download Image Optimizer Software.
  2. 2️⃣ Add Images.
  3. 3️⃣ Choose Output Format.
  4. 4️⃣ Set Resize Options.
  5. 5️⃣ Start Processing.

Is your website slow and sluggish? Are your images taking forever to load? It's time to optimize your images! Discover how to compress and resize your images without compromising quality.

Optimize Your Images in Seconds with Image Optimizer Download for Windows 10, 11

Add images..

Realized that optimizing images could significantly reduce their size. For example, converting black and white diagrams to PNG8 in grayscale reduced their size by half. Removing watermarks further minimized file size.
Struggled to find tools to automate this process on the server. Came across suggestions like using SoftOrbits Batch Picture Resizer to optimize images via the command line or PHP classes.

How to Use Image Optimizer for Windows

If you have a lot of images that need optimization, then using image optimizer download by SoftOrbits can make the task easier for you. Follow these steps to batch your pictures:

Add images to Software

Open Batch Picture Resizer and click on the Add Images button. You can select multiple images simultaneously by holding the CTRL key while clicking each image.

Add images..

Choose optimization options

Select the optimization options that you want to use for your images.

Chose optimization options..

Preview your optimized images

See how your images will look after optimization using preview windows on the left button. Click the Start button.

Preview result..

Choose output location

Choose where you want to save the optimized images.

Start batch optimization..

Start batch optimization

Click on the Start button to start the optimization process. The software will automatically tweak all the images you added to the program.

Batch Picture Resizer Batch Picture Resizer

Batch Image Resizer is easy and user-friendly tool helps you to resize multiple photos, convert, flip, mirror or rotate them in a batch mode.

Video Tutorials

Way #2: Image Optimization via Console Command Line Tool

To use Batch Picture Resizer from the command line:

Check Available Options:

PicResizer.exe -help

Check Available Options..

Resize Images:

PicResizer.exe -in inputFile -out outputFolder -w Width -h Height [options]

Resize Images..


  • Resize with specified dimensions, maintaining aspect ratio: PicResize.exe -in c:\in\file.jpg -out d:\results -w 1024 -h 768 -aspect


  • Convert format and auto-rotate without resizing:

PicResize.exe -in c:\in\file.jpg -out d:\results -autorotate -outformat png


  • Resize with canvas and specified color:

PicResize.exe -in c:\in\file.jpg -out d:\results -aspect -w 800 -h 600 -cw 800 -ch 600 -cc #FFFFFF


Batch Processing:

for %%b in (*.jpg) do c:\Program Files\Batch Picture Resizer\PicResizer.exe -in %%b -out c:\out -w 640 -h 480 -aspect

Batch Processing..

This script iterates over JPEG files in the current folder, resizes them to 640x480 while maintaining aspect ratio, and saves them to the specified output folder.

Batch Picture Resizer Batch Picture Resizer
Download free image optimizer to compress your images without losing quality. Speed up your website and improve your page load time.

πŸ™‹Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, larger images take longer to tweak and may consume more disk space.

SoftOrbits Image Optimizer does not support optimization plugins, including Lazy Load and Dynamic Drive.

SoftOrbits Image Optimizer Download is compatible with Windows operating systems, including Windows 7, 8, and 10.

SoftOrbits Batch Picture Resizer can reduce image sizes by up to 80%.

WEBP images typically have smaller ress images to keep their qualisizes than JPEG images for the same level of quality, resulting in faster page load times.

Rate Image Optimizer Download

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
Author: SoftOrbits (English)
Avg. rating: 5 from 544 votes